Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Big day!

It's a big day in the Goad household- Micah rolled over three times (not like the first time which I think was an accident- about a month ago) AND he actually swallowed rice cereal! Maybe he will sleep through the night tonight...but I won't hold my breath! For some reason he was up every hour from 8-2...let me spell that out so you fully understand my exhaustion right now: 9, 10, 11, 12, 1, and yes 2 am...then I slept until 6am. I want to blame it on the thunder we had last night but I am not really sure I can.

I need to pray for sleep :)


Maleasa June 30, 2011 at 9:32 AM  

YAY! For rolling. BOOO! For waking up so much! Just think, someday you will be so tired you won't remember that he got up so much! :)