Thursday, July 21, 2011

The Not-So-Glamorous Life

Since Micah was born I arrive to work around 8:10AM. I struggle to get through the door with my pump bag, purse, lunch bag, and coffee in hand. My hair is wet and my clothes are wrinkled. It is a miracle if I escape the house without spit-up running down my shirt. My co-worker accidentally brushed my leg under the table during an office meeting and my secret was out. I wore a skirt with stubbly legs...

My house is a maze of baby stuff- watch out or you will trip over the bouncer, the johnny jump up, the exersaucer, the activity center, the car seat, or the diaper bag. And if you can avoid the baby stuff- you might not be able to avoid the 3 laundry baskets that haven't made it into drawers yet.

So this the real me. No reason to hide the fact that I am not perfect. My house is not perfect. And my baby is not perfect. He was up 5 times last night and he didn't fall asleep until 10 pm despite Bryan and I both trying to put him to bed at 7.

Good thing God loves me because I don't know anyone that would want to be friends with the girl described above :)

We had a saying in my apartment in college and it was this: "Just Keepin' It Real".


Julie July 22, 2011 at 1:14 PM  

Ha, that is sooo me! I hear ya, Elise!

tp July 22, 2011 at 9:05 PM  

I can't imagine... but I do always appreciate a good dose of "keeping it real"!! :) Sounds like you're doing just great though...