Thursday, August 11, 2011


It has been said that good friends are hard to find. I would say good couple friends are even harder to find. Bryan and I said goodbye to our good friends, no best friends, Adam and Maleasa. We are so excited for them to move closer to family and have their own adventure, but it has been very difficult to say goodbye. It has hit Bryan and I harder than we expected because we could actually visit with them after Micah and Elias went down because our monitors reached from house to house.

Maleasa is that friend that will drop anything to come help me. I can't count the number of times she has come to my rescue. Even though she is a bit squemish with blood, she came running when we couldn't get Micah's bleeding to stop from his circumcision. She has talked me through pregnancy, giving birth, nursing, colic, and Micah's milestones. Maleasa is also the friend that I can be totally and completely honest with. She has challenged me to read my Bible and spend time with the Lord and she probably doesn't even know it. If you don't know, Maleasa and Adam lived two doors down so we often have called each other for brown sugar or a can of beans. We have shared many dinners together and movie nights. And the best part about our friendship is that Bryan and Adam get along great. They both love fixing things and having a beer. I know it is rare to find friends where the husbands get along just as well as the wives do.

Today I started to type a text to Maleasa to see if she wanted to go on a walk, but then I realized she is 5 hours away in the mountains of Virginia...
It is just one of those days where the "Sold" sign in front of their house gets me all choked up.