Thursday, March 24, 2011

the crib

this post is being written one handed because Micah has an upset tummy and couldnt fall asleep in his crib. so forgive the lack of capitalizations, etc. because i dont want to disturb the little one sleeping on my chest

i bet you are wondering how i would ever know my 7 week old has an upset stomach. well i dont know for sure but he burped like usual at his last feeding yet i had to go in twice and move him to a different section of the crib b/c of his pools of spit up...gross i know. then when i picked him up he burped a big one then spit up again...a lot. then nestled in my neck and dozed off. i dont mind the big mucous-y wet spot on my shirt anymore :)

ever since moving micah to his crib i keep thinking i hear him crying in the night. dreaming of micah crying is making me not get good sleep. when he was in the bassinet in our room i got less sleep yet felt less tired because i wasnt worried about him.

btw...we had to put up a net to keep kona out of the crib...grr


Cowgirl Beans March 25, 2011 at 2:46 PM  

You're doing great, momma!
I'm going to over that way the April 16th-ish week I would love to see you and so would mama-Pogge.