Saturday, September 8, 2012

28 Weeks and Nesting

Here is my belly pic at 28 weeks. The second pregnancy goes by so much faster! It is hard to believe I will have another baby in 3 months or less. I am so excited to hold our little bundle :)

In pregnancy news, we hired a doula as I really don't want to get an epidural this time. Between the nurse anesthetist missing and the bruising I got from the epidural, I would like to labor naturally this time around. Of course I am nervous, but I am praying the doula can really coach me through the pain.

Our life has been a little crazy in the last few weeks! We decided to completely renovate our house before this baby lol. Our cabinets should be here in a week so we will be demolishing our kitchen soon! We also are getting a lot of work done on our house starting on October 1st (hopefully). So we will be moving out of our house!!! I am really praying the house is done before this baby! God, do you hear that prayer? lol

So here is our before kitchen picture. Notice the tape for planning out the kitchen?! I love this website where I get my DIY tips!