Sunday, October 14, 2012

33 weeks and 5 days

Saturday morning, I woke up at 1:30 am to a lot of pressure and contractions. I changed positions but continued to have the kind of contractions that wrap about your back.

I decided to go downstairs grab water and my phone, and start timing them. I grew quickly concerned when I realized they were 7 minutes apart, lasting 45 seconds, and growing in intensity. This is where I kick myself. Instead of doing what all the books and your doctor says to do, I waited. I kept telling myself "this isn't labor". I switched positions, laid on my side, chugged water, and to my dismay they started coming every 6 minutes.

I went upstairs, and asked Bryan to rub my back to get my body to calm down. I thought I had control over the situation. I kept telling myself, "If I can only get my body to relax, these contractions will stop." After about 10 minutes of intense pressure I got up and drove myself to the hospital. In hindsight, I should have called the doula to meet me at the hospital to have some encouragement and had Bryan call my parents right away so he could meet me. But no- I thought I will just wait to see what they say and then make a decision. BAD IDEA.

So Bryan got a hysterical call saying I am 3 cm and he needs to get to the hospital. I had no bag packed. The car seat and bassinet is still up in the attic. No baby clothes are washed. NOTHING is ready for a baby. But then it dawns on me that if I had a baby this weekend, it wouldn't matter anyway. The baby would stay in the NICU and I would be discharged without my baby.

But thankfully that didn't happen!

I had to wait 45 minutes to see if my pre-term labor test (FFN) was positive and it was. More tears...

They put me into a labor and delivery room and as soon as I saw the pediatric table and newborn diaper I absolutely lost it. This baby is not ready to come out and I will do everything I can to keep him/her inside longer.

They started me on Procardia which stop contractions and I got my first steroid shot for the baby's lung to develop.

Then came the biggest disappointment. They did an ultrasound to check the baby's position and the baby is breech still. Both the doctor and nurse encouraged me that if we can keep labor at bay, the baby still has time to turn. So that is my prayer!!! I REALLY don't want a c-section...

Now it is Sunday morning and I am still here. I got my 2nd shot this morning and still getting Procardia every 6 hours and will continue to until labor can't be held off anymore. I am just waiting for the doctor to come in and ensure that I haven't had anymore change and if not- home free!

Though not free...I will be sent to bed/couch until baby is ready. My prayer is to make it to 37 weeks so that is 3 weeks on bed rest. Worse things have happened and women have been on bed rest for much longer.

Please join me in praying for these things:
1. Healthy full term baby
2. Baby's position
3. For Micah. That he will still feel loved by mommy even though we can't go on walks, go to the park, etc.
4. That I will not feel obligated to DO. My list is never-ending of the things that I wanted to accomplish for a new baby.
5. That I will accept help. We still don't have a fully working kitchen so I need help. The doctor gave strict orders- no laundry, dishes, etc. Get up to shower, go to the bathroom, get a drink. This is going to be very difficult for me but I have to be a good patient for the health of my baby.

Thanks for reading and the thoughts and prayers.


Julie October 15, 2012 at 12:44 PM  

OH, do I understand!! To give you a little encouragement...Abby was breach and did turn at the last minute! I was so thankful! Also, I would recommend putting yourself in your bedroom or some other place where you can't SEE what needs to be done! It was strangely much easier to do hospital bed rest than home bed rest because I wanted to get up and do stuff. If you need some good laughs, you can read my blog back from September -October 2010. They're all about hospitals, bed rest, living in horizontal land (I was actually flat back, inverted bed rest for 5 weeks...try eating that way!!) Feel free to email me if you need encouragement, or to vent. I totally get it!!!!!

Stephanie Hamilton October 18, 2012 at 8:30 AM  

Hey Elise, I have a good friend who had both of her girls very early and the best thing she told me when I was pregnant and had to have a c-section was, it's not like they give you a little paper crown to wear after a natural birth saying, "Look what I did!" She reminded me that I'd still get to take my sweet baby home in the end. And she should know, both of her girls had lengthy NICU stays and they're now 4 and 5 years old and perfectly healthy. So just remember the laundry, dishes, ect can wait. Micah knows you love him not by the about of walks to the park but by the simple fact that you're his mom. I'll be praying for you, He's got this :-)

Elise Goad October 19, 2012 at 7:52 PM  

Thank you Julie and Stephanie for the encouragement. I am blessed with an amazing family that have taken Micah and come to clean to my house. My mom has been "nesting" for me and my dad has been over every day trying to get a working kitchen!