21 weeks
5:40 am wake-up. Why you may ask?
I feel an odd sensation of dripping. I am laying on my back and think that my nose is running because I have a cold. I wipe with my finger and realize it is blood. ugh...
I rush to the bathroom and call for Bryan because I have never experienced a nosebleed. I did the wrong thing. I leaned back which only made it collect in my throat.
This pregnancy symptom can go away and never return! I do not like you nosebleeds!
And so I was awake washing sheets this morning and then Micah woke up at 6 because of the ruckus.
Here is a recap of my first 20 weeks of pregnancy:
Other than being tired, I had hardly any symptoms!
I had one week of nausea but never got sick.
A friend did this questionnaire a few times during her pregnancy and I enjoyed it so here we go!
How far along? 21 weeksSize of baby? 10 1/2 inches
Maternity Clothes? I can fit into one pair of regular shorts buttoned, the rest maternity. I still wear regular shirts because maternity shirts look silly at this stage.
Gender? surprise! It is a different feeling not knowing, especially because I find myself saying he or she and it's annoying! We have nicknamed the baby "pumpkin" to cut down on that.
Movement? Yes the baby is moving quite a bit, though I tend to only feel it when I lay down. I have noticed that Pumpkin moves when I sing Micah to sleep :)
Sleep? Good! I like this stage of pregnancy because no leg cramps and I can sometimes make it all night without a bathroom trip.
Cravings? Salt and Sugar. What else? I was doing so well, eating so healthy. Then July 4th BBQ's came and my tummy discovered desserts and chips again. boo!
Milestones? Had our big sonogram and the baby is healthy and measuring about 2 days ahead of my due date. I have to say that I didn't have the same connection because we didn't have the gender reveal but it was so exciting to have great news of a healthy baby! With Micah we had additional sonograms because my placenta was low and Micah's kidneys were enlarged. All turned out well but it was a little scary having news that Micah could need surgery at birth.
What I'm nervous about? Micah. I know this is a pregnancy question but I am afraid that Micah is going to get very jealous of the baby. I have been giving other kids/babies attention on play dates and Micah does not like it! He bit his cousin the other day while I was changing her diaper and talking sweetly to her :(
What I'm excited about? Getting a big belly and seeing it move with our little one inside! I love pregnancy! Also I weighed in at 128 at 20 weeks which means I have only gained 3 pounds since I got pregnant! I don't know where I was with Micah but I definitely feel healthier this time around. I guess because I am chasing after a toddler all day, rather than sitting at a desk :)
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