Dating Your Spouse
If you read any marriage book, one of the top pieces of advice is to "continue to date your spouse well into marriage." Bryan and I have had a few dates since having Micah - usually just dinner, dessert and home in time to put Micah to bed.
I had grand plans for our anniversary this year since last year was 5 years and we went to dinner. I was nursing at the time and Bryan's sister was willing to babysit for the occasion. Don't get me wrong, it was a fabulous dinner and a great time with Bryan. We dressed up and everything, but it wasn't a Caribbean vacation or a weekend at a B&B. (I would love either of those but our budget is a little tight!)
Our 6 year anniversary was on July the 8th but a few different circumstances kept us from celebrating on the actual day. If you are Facebook friends with me, you may remember that I forgot ON the day that it was our anniversary. oops!
My parents took Micah for the majority of the day and even took him overnight so that Bryan and I could have time just the two of us! We did everything you can't do with a toddler. First we went to the movies to see Batman. Then we drove to Ocean City for the evening. We went to dinner, walked on the beach, and then played mini golf. We played a competitive game and ended up finishing in a tie. We laughed, flirted, and fell in love all over again. We ended our date at Dumser's with HUGE sundaes that neither of us could finish.
We were so excited to see Micah in the morning and felt refreshed to tackle some toddler issues we have been facing (which I plan on blogging about later).
So what was so great about our anniversary is that we did nothing that you are "supposed to do" but just spent quality time together doing something fun. We didn't exchange cards or gifts, but we both felt more loved by each other. I love that Bryan and I can be so simple :)
I am now a firm believer that you MUST date your spouse after marriage but especially after kids! More importantly dates should include something fun and interactive, not just dinner and conversation. I am hoping for one more date before baby #2 and nursing begins... I am so thankful for amazing parents and in-laws who are always willing to babysit!
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