Thursday, October 18, 2012

Day 4 - 34 weeks 2 days

34 weeks 1 day

Heartburn. That is all I have to say. 

I have had extremely bad heartburn this pregnancy which could be because the baby's head is pushing on my stomach. I started to research a lot last night and discovered that the medicine that they had me on to "stop" contractions causes heartburn and headaches. The not so funny part of the whole thing is that I am supposed to be laying down. Have you ever tried laying down with ridiculously bad heartburn/reflux? miserable...

Last night baby G did.not.stop.moving. Even this morning in the waiting room at the doctor's office a woman was watching my belly as it moved all over the place. This child has a lot of energy or is really trying to turn!!!

Doctor "C" confirmed today that this is what my baby looks like in the womb. Usually baby G puts his/her head on my left side too making my belly very lopsided and my body pretty uncomfortable. 

Dr "C" also explained that if I make it to 36 weeks they will schedule an "external version" and that Dr. "U" has the best outcomes so request her. I am REALLY starting to LOVE my doctors' office. There has been a lot of complaining in the Salisbury area about the options for pregnancy care and birth but after this weekend I can honestly say that I would trust TLC with my life. The doctors have a ton of experience, I have been able to request to see a midwife/doctor depending on the day and my questions, and Dr C spent almost 45 minutes with me yesterday giving me statistics, drawing graphs, and really setting my mind at ease about what could possibly happen with this baby. 

We decided to stop the Procardia yesterday and use it more as an emergency medicine. She said that doctors use the medication to keep visits to L&D down and calls to the office. The medicine is not proven to stop labor but to keep you have from having braxton hicks. I don't care about braxton hicks and the medicine is making me sick so she recommended using it as a test or for emergencies. She explained that if I start questioning whether I am in labor because of consistent contractions, take 1 pill every 15-20 minutes for an hour. If the contractions stop, it isn't labor. So that is my plan! 

So between stopping the Procardia and increasing my Zantac dosage, I have been resting and sleeping!! 

I am still on bed rest- no shopping, cooking, cleaning...which sounds incredible but it isn't when nesting is in overdrive. I can't lift Micah at all which makes life very interesting. So far my mom has been around to put Micah into the crib for nap time. Micah also actually lets Bryan put him to bed now without me in the room since climbing the stairs a lot isn't a good idea. 

My mom has been reminding me a lot about Ecclesiastes 3:2 that there is "A time to be born" and I am so thankful that at this point if this baby came, we would most likely be facing minor health concerns, nothing major. Plenty of babies have been born at 34 weeks and have gone home a week later. But our prayer is not to need the NICU at all!